


There is a little point like a needle tip poking out from a dried black lotus seed.
When you cut the pointy end and float it on water in a bowl, a thin long fresh green leaf will start to sprout after a few days. It has been a few decades since I was surprised to know that even this small leaf has the shape of a fully grown lotus leaf.

But you know, since I have moved the leaf to an unglazed pot, I haven’t yet met any golden and smiling flowers. Nevertheless, even in the summer heat unbearable to humans, these leaves are gently swinging as if they don’t know where to come and go. Looking at them makes us forget about the fierce heat for a little while.
By the way, the writer Ryunosuke Akutagawa likened the colour of this lotus leaf to jade.

Materials used in the flower arrangement
Lotus leaves which came from a pile of lotus thrown away due to construction work, gold thread, Western gold leaf

道念邦子 Kuniko Donen

「コンテンポラリーいけばな作品集」婦人画報社 掲載
「葉蘭」(はらん)「松」主婦の友社 掲載
Started Ikebana practice at age of 14.
Worked with: the quarterly magazine ‘Iburibashi’;
‘Sake Poetry: Yamanoo restaurant; Kinjyoro restaurant;
among others. Featured in ‘Contemporary Ikebana Collection’ (publisher: Fujingaho).
Featured in ‘Haran’ and ‘Matsu’ (publisher: SHUFUNOTOMO Co., Ltd.).
Has been making arrangements for events at Kouseiji Buddhism temple since 2006.
Started Kusawara Craft in South Korea from 2007.
Has been exhibiting in a number of solo and group exhibitions.
photo:Nik van der Giesen