

The day I walked in a bamboo grove for the first time was the time I came to know that each bamboo is able to speak. Bamboo holding rainwater in its cut, standing dry bamboo, sick bamboo, laughing bamboo, bamboo entangled at its top… Through trying to read the surface of bamboo by looking at and listening carefully to the bamboo’s skin colour, length, thickness, joints, how it came out from the ground, and its direction of growth, I experienced a moment where my fear dissolved and my empathy emerged.
When the water surface in the rice field starts softly waving and shining by a touch of the breath of May, it is time for bamboo to come out. The grove gets busy with baby bamboo shoots. Bamboo, also, as soon as we take our eyes off from it, very quickly grows to a green bamboo log. If I had a special pair of glasses to be able to look under the ground, I would love to see what is happening to their roots.

Materials used in the flower arrangement
Bamboo shoot, Shaga (Iris japonica), Sange paper*, glass sheet, glass tube

*a piece of paper in a shape of lotus petal which is scattered in a Buddhist mass to pray for departed souls

道念邦子 Kuniko Donen

「コンテンポラリーいけばな作品集」婦人画報社 掲載
「葉蘭」(はらん)「松」主婦の友社 掲載
Started Ikebana practice at age of 14.
Worked with: the quarterly magazine ‘Iburibashi’;
‘Sake Poetry: Yamanoo restaurant; Kinjyoro restaurant;
among others. Featured in ‘Contemporary Ikebana Collection’ (publisher: Fujingaho).
Featured in ‘Haran’ and ‘Matsu’ (publisher: SHUFUNOTOMO Co., Ltd.).
Has been making arrangements for events at Kouseiji Buddhism temple since 2006.
Started Kusawara Craft in South Korea from 2007.
Has been exhibiting in a number of solo and group exhibitions.
photo:Nik van der Giesen