桃の節句・すずきまみの銀飾りひいなDoll’s Festival: Silver-decorated Hiina Dolls by Mami Suzuki





1968 彫金を始める(名古屋)
1974 宝石工房へ就職(東京)
1976 ドイツ・モダンジュエリーを学ぶ(東京)
1977 独立=銀細工・鈴木マミ子
1991〜 KAMS’S(工房)展・冬を始める(以後毎年)
1992 三国に工房を移す
1995〜 各地で個展「銀細工・鈴木マミ子」展
1998〜 各地で「銀飾りひいな」展
2014〜 「ふくい遺産・ふくい手仕事」に認定される
2015〜 銀細工作品が海外33ヶ国に紹介される
2016 韓国 釜山大学校にてワークショップ
2018 「銀飾りひいな」個展終了

The setting for the Doll’s Festival, a traditional festival for girls, seems to illustrate a wish for the young generation to preserve the Japanese sense of beauty into the future.
Mami Suzuki’s silver-decorated Hiina dolls are lovely and delicately embellished by hand.

The body of both male and female Hiina dolls are shaped using folded Echizen Washi paper. The front side of the dolls’ Kimono is based on a Taisho period pure silk crepe Tomesode (a married woman’s formal Kimono) passed on from a long-established restaurant in the Minatomachi Mikuni area. Suzuki uses the bottom part of the cloth of Tomesode with a festive pine and boat embroidered on the front, appropriate to the occasion of a new departure. For the inside, she uses pieces of pure silk plain white crepe dyed specially to match the colour of the front cloth. Pure silk plain milky white crepe is used for the face, where the shape itself is enough to imagine their soft and gentle facial expressions.

Suzuki creates an even more festive world by not only cropping colours and patterns from traditional Kimono, but also adding her own silver work. The sense of beauty of the artist, who initially trained in jewellery making and developed her silversmithing skill, flourishes within the Hiina dolls and naturally invites the viewers into spring. Her dolls make us realise the importance of maintaining a lovely, beautiful day to celebrate girls.


Mami Suzuki Biography
1968 Started making metal work (Nagoya)
1974 Started working for a jewellery workshop (Tokyo)
1976 Learned German modern jewellery (Tokyo)
1977 Became independent as Mamiko Suzuki, Silver Artist
1991- Initiated KAMS’S (studio) winter exhibition (held annually since)
1992 Moved her studio to Mikuni in Fukui Prefecture
1995- Held solo exhibition ‘Mamiko Suzuki: Silver Work’ at various locations
1998- Held exhibition ‘Silver-decorated Hiina Dolls’ as Mami Suzuki at various locations
2014- Designated as ‘Heritage in Fukui / Handwork in Fukui’
Initiated KAMS’S (studio) summer exhibition
2015- Silver work by Mamiko Suzuki introduced to 33 overseas countries
2016 Held workshop at Pusan National University in South Korea
2018 Held the final solo exhibition of ‘Silver-decorated Hiina Dolls’ series
Held the final solo exhibition of ‘Mamiko Suzuki: Silver Work’ series (Kanazawa)

舟あそび Gallery Funaasobi

〒927-1233 石川県珠洲市若山町出田41-2 41-2 Sutta, Wakayama Machi, Suzu City, Ishikawa 927-1233 JAPAN


Website: https://f-asobi.com/

  • 営業時間: 企画展開催中 10:00〜18:00(10月のみ〜17:00)
  • Opening Hours: during the exhibition period 10:00~18:00(closing 17:00 in October)