



器:江崎 満 焼〆

On the way along the sloping path that I used to walk often, there stands a highly-visible stone column, on which the letters of ‘Kishibojin Shinjoji Temple’ are deeply engraved.When I walked up the slope, watching out for my back and legs yet thinking to visit the temple next time, red pomegranate at the peak of its season alongside another stone column welcomed me. Crossing the temple gate, I read a notice on the door to the main hall saying ‘please feel free to come in’. On opening the door, my eyes were overwhelmed by many strings of one-thousand origami cranes, made for prayer. I asked the chief priest to come out.

In the biographies of Buddha, there is a story of the most notorious mother, who eats other people’s children even though she herself has many – 500 or maybe 1,000 – children. One day Buddha hid one of her precious children. It gave her so much suffering and sorrow that she went to Buddha to implore for help. ‘How do you think about the feeling of mothers who lost their child?’ Buddha asked her, awakening her to mercy. The mother thereafter became Hariti, the goddess of childbirth and children, holding a baby in the left hand and a pomegranate, a lucky omen fruit, in the right.

The sitting figure placed in the centre of the Shumidan(*1) of Kishibojin Shinjoji Temple became the place where mothers, whose wishes for childbirth or safe delivery were delivered, came to offer their Hyakutoku Kimono(*2). As I heard that ‘there are around 300 Hyakutoku Kimono preserved here’, I made this arrangement of pomegranate.

*1) Platform to enshrine Buddha in Buddhist altar.
*2) Kimono made by patching one hundred pieces of Kimono cloth given by neighbours, friends or family members, with the wish of ‘having one hundred pieces of luck’. One of the old childbirth-related customs in Kanazawa since the Edo period.

Materials used in the flower arrangement
Pomegranate, small chrysanthemum, leopard plant, wild chrysanthemum, oriental bittersweet

Yakishime (unglazed earthenware fired at a high temperature) by Mitsuru Ezaki

道念邦子 Kuniko Donen

「コンテンポラリーいけばな作品集」婦人画報社 掲載
「葉蘭」(はらん)「松」主婦の友社 掲載
Started Ikebana practice at age of 14.
Worked with: the quarterly magazine ‘Iburibashi’;
‘Sake Poetry: Yamanoo restaurant; Kinjyoro restaurant;
among others. Featured in ‘Contemporary Ikebana Collection’ (publisher: Fujingaho).
Featured in ‘Haran’ and ‘Matsu’ (publisher: SHUFUNOTOMO Co., Ltd.).
Has been making arrangements for events at Kouseiji Buddhism temple since 2006.
Started Kusawara Craft in South Korea from 2007.
Has been exhibiting in a number of solo and group exhibitions.
photo:Nik van der Giesen