月見・下村豊「円」Tsukimi : ‘Circle’ by Yutaka Shimomura







下村 豊(しもむら ゆたか)

1948 3月2日東京深川に生まれる
1970 日本大学文理学部数学科卒業

~2009 日仏会館ギャラリー / ギャラリー無境 / HARMAKHIS ベルギー・ブリュッセル / 日独ベルリン文化センター / GALERIE HEXAGONE ドイツ・アーヘン / アートスペース羅針盤 / すどう美術館 / GALLERY銀座汲美 / ぎゃらりいセンターポイント / 銀座スルガ台画廊
2010 薬師寺アムリット / ICON ドイツ・ベルリン / 絵画堂
2011 ENISHI ドイツ・ベルリン / 絵画堂 / ギャラリー惣
2012 ギャラリー舟あそび
2013 絵画堂
2014 Galerie ICON,ドイツ・ベルリン
2015 KANEKO ART TOKYO / t-gallery
2017 t-gallery

When this time of the year comes, I display ‘Circle’ by Yutaka Shimomura.

A polished iron plate is placed onto a cloth to allow it to rust naturally, and to transfer the rust to the cloth. The blue is created by combining the iron with a delicate amount of rust. Allegedly, the sea was the main inspiration for the blue colour. It is believed that the blue of the sea is composed through the link between iron within the sea water, and a small number of natural elements. The artist achieves the variation of blue based on the duration over which rust transfers to the cloth, and temperature or humidity.

‘The flux of time from past to present and future. I feel that, on an unconscious level, there is a common memory which still remains, and which every human being has shared since ancient time. The origin of life – the sea, the moon, the sun, and the universe. The feeling of awe and worship towards this nature is a fragment of the shared memory. I aim to make works which evoke such memories’ says Shimomura.

While the season is changing from summer to autumn, the natural world is quietly becoming clearer as if it is retuning to the soil.
I look forward to making a dialogue with the work – just like displaying the moon of the night sky in the Tokonoma alcove.



1948 Born in Tokyo
1970 Graduated from Nihon University,the Department of Mathematics

Solo Exhibition
~2009 Maison Franco-Japonaise Galerie,Tokyo / Gallery MUKYO,Tokyo / Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin,Berlin / HARMAKHIS,Brussels / GALERIE HEXAGONE,Aachen / Art space RASHINBAN,Tokyo / Art Museum SUDOU,Tokyo / GALLERY Ginza KYUBI,Tokyo / GALLERY Center Point,Tokyo / GALLERY Ginza SURUGADAI,Tokyo
2010 Yakushiji AMRIT,Nara / Galerie ICON,Berlin / Gallery KAIGADO,Tokyo
2011 ENISHI, Berlin / Gallery KAIGADO,Tokyo / Gallery So,Tokyo
2012 Gallery Funaasobi
2013 Gallery KAIGADO,Tokyo
2014 Galerie ICON,Berlin
2015 KANEKO ART TOKYO / t-gallery
2017 t-gallery

舟あそび Gallery Funaasobi

〒927-1233 石川県珠洲市若山町出田41-2 41-2 Sutta, Wakayama Machi, Suzu City, Ishikawa 927-1233 JAPAN


Website: https://f-asobi.com/

  • 営業時間: 企画展開催中 10:00〜18:00(10月のみ〜17:00)
  • Opening Hours: during the exhibition period 10:00~18:00(closing 17:00 in October)