加賀山代温泉「べにや無何有」BENIYA MUKAYU







写真・文 ニック・ヴァンデルギーゼン



instagram @nvdg81 / @hitonoto_japan

″Allowing the nothingness to be″

The concept behind this remarkable ryokan in the hot spring town of Kaga is all in the name. Mukayu means “nothingness” or “a natural state”, referring to the idea that when it seems like there is nothing, we can feel more appreciation for the things that are actually there. This is a concept that we at hitonoto greatly admire. Which is why Beniya Mukayu had long been on our list of places to stay at in Japan.

The entire hotel breathes an air of spacious tranquility. Designed by Sey Takeyama, the building is made of simple and natural materials. Big windows grant for light to fill its spaces and for views of the trees and plants in the garden. Carefully tended to, yet at the same time giving space to grow freely, the trees and plants are allowed to be in a state of natural beauty.

This concept of allowing elements to be in their natural state extends to every aspect of the hotel, including the rooms, the food, the service and even the logo designed by Kenya Hara. Everything is subtle and deliberate, never obtrusive. Tasteful Japanese minimalism, giving space to the visitor to enjoy a natural state of being, both in the things surrounding him and in himself.


Photos and text by Nik van der Giesen


Nik van der Giesen is a photographer and designer from the Netherlands.
Together with his partner Nao Yasuta, they run hitonoto, where they share their love for remarkable places, things and people.
Japanese culture and aesthetics continue to be an endless source of inspiration for his work.

instagram @nvdg81 / @hitonoto_japan

加賀山代温泉「べにや無何有」 BENIYA MUKAYU

〒922-0242 石川県加賀市山代温泉55-1-3 55-1-3 Yamashiro Onsen, Kaga, Ishikawa 922-0242 JAPAN


Website: http://mukayu.com

E-mail: beniya@mukayu.com