ギャラリー&カフェ 帝Gallery & Cafe Mikado

神楽坂、赤城神社参道の手前にある、「ギャラリー&カフェ 帝」。同店をプロデュースしているのは、銀座・並木通りのバーラウンジ「サロン・ド・慎太郎」のオーナー、矢部慎太郎さん。一流を知る慎太郎さんが、「いつかは上質な骨董になるような器」を集めた宝箱のようなお店を紹介します。




– 矢部慎太郎 –
北海道愛別町出身。京都祇園でデビューし、2000年に大阪北新地に「サロン・ド・慎太郎」をオープン。2003年に銀座に移転。「サロン・ド・慎太郎」は各界の著名人がこぞって集う店として名高い。「ギャラリー&カフェ帝」のほか、北海道の「粋人館」、金沢の「かなざわ 紋MON」などの飲食店も経営している。

写真 垂見孔士

Gallery & Cafe Mikado is situated in front of the the approach to the Akagi Shrine in Kagurazaka. The producer of this place is Shintaro Yabe, the owner of the bar lounge Salon do Shintaro on the Namiki Dori street of Ginza. Shintaro, who knows the very best, introduces us to a treasure box-like shop collecting ‘potteries that one day will become fine antiques’.

Shintaro established Gallery & Cafe Mikado as a result of his passion for potteries and antiquities. Based on the experience of running restaurants, Shintaro opened Mikado as a wholesale shop, selling dishes to restaurants. ‘As a wholesaler, we have to prepare fifty, sometimes a hundred of the same dishes. So we ask for support from contemporary pottery artists, not only dealing with antiques’.

Now Mikado became a shop welcoming customers from all over the world. ‘Customers include an owner chef of a restaurant with three Michelin stars, and a cook who became independent and is about to open a new restaurant. People usually buy a big batch, so it is a hard work to stock plenty items all time’ says Shintaro.

Gallery & Cafe Mikado doesn’t have featured exhibitions. This is to let pottery artists make as much work as they wish. ’I was astonished to learn that usually artists pay the costs for travel and accommodation when they hold exhibitions. I told them that I will sell your signature dishes, so please make how ever many works you want. I would also like them to challenge themselves to make new works, so their time can be spent on making both signature works and experimental works.’

The current list of pottery artists is around thirty. All are promising and popular artists including Kai Tsujimura, who was a customer of the Salon. The secret to achieve such a roster of artists is not only Shintaro’s sharp judgement, but also the relationship that Shintaro has carefully built with each artist. ‘I only ask artists whose work will become quality antiques. On my first visit to their studio, I don’t talk about pottery too much. But I buy their work there, and I host the evening in a Ryotei restaurant. Even after we start working together, I usually visit to see them at least twice a year.’

In the shop full of dishes, there is a counter where people can have coffee and light snacks. This comfortable cafe space became popular even with non-professional customers. If you are lucky and come in when Shintaro is on duty in the shop, you might be able to get advice on which dishes to go for.
– Shintaro Yabe –
From Aibetsu in Hokkaido. Debuted in Gion in Kyoto. Opened Salon de Shintaro in Kitashinchi in Osaka in 2000, which moved to Ginza in Tokyo in 2003. Salon de Shintaro is known to be loved by many celebrities. Shintaro also runs several restaurants, including Suijinkan in Hokkaido and Mon in Kanazawa.

Photography: Koshi Tarumi

ギャラリー&カフェ帝 Gallery & Cafe Mikado

〒162-0825 東京都新宿区神楽坂6-34-4 Felice神楽坂2F 2F Felice Kagurazaka, 6-34-4 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0825 JAPAN


Website: +81 3-3235-3222

  • 営業時間: 11:30〜18:00
  • 定休日: 水曜日
  • Opening Hours: 11.30am-6.00pm
  • Close: Wednesdays