IN KANAZAWA HOUSEは築約100年の金澤町家で、元は染め物屋だった建物をリノベーションした。今ここでは金沢でしかできないユニークな体験を主に外国人観光客に提供している。
初めて金澤にくる外国人にとって、興味を惹かれるのはなんといっても「食」のことではないだろうか。世界的な和食ブームとなっている昨今、金沢の新鮮な魚、郷土色豊かな食材が手に入る場所といえば近江町市場である。IN KANAZAWA HOUSEでは金沢市民の台所、と言われるこの市場で料理研究家と一緒に食材を買付け、自分たちで調理をし、そして食事ができる体験ツアーが準備されている。さらに金沢にある3つの茶屋街、「ひがし」、「主計町」、「にし」の芸妓の踊りとお座敷太鼓と割烹の懐石弁当がセットになったコースや、仏教寺院での朝粥体験、白山サイクリングツアー、手毬寿司づくりのコースと、盛りだくさんな体験が用意されている。旅行客にとってガイドブックを見ながらお決まりの観光地を訪ねるだけではない、本物の金沢の魅力に触れられるのが醍醐味だ。
写真 ニック・ヴァンデルギーセン
IN KANAZAWA HOUSE is situated in a renovated 100 year old Kanazawa Machiya, a residential heritage house formerly used by an artisan specialised in the craft of dyeing. They provide an experience which is unique to Kanazawa, aimed mainly at tourists from overseas.
‘Food’ is probably the biggest thing that draws the interest of people who visit Kanazawa for the first time. While Japanese cuisine today is very popular worldwide, the best place to get Kanazawa’s local fresh fish and foodstuffs is Omicho Market. IN KANAZAWA HOUSE offers a tour programme in which people can experience visiting the Market and buying ingredients with a cooking expert, preparing food themselves, and eating the dishes thereafter.
There are various other tour programmes too, such as: a set of performance of Geisha dance and Japanese drum, and Kaiseki Bento box in three tea house towns in Kanazawa – Higashi, Kazuemachi and Nishi; an experience of rice gruel breakfast in a Buddhist temple; a cycling tour in Hakusan mountain area; and a course giving the experience of making Temari Zushi (little ball-shaped Sushi). The best thing is that tourists from overseas are able to touch a true sense of Kanazawa, rather than only visiting popular sightseeing spots from a travel guide.
Shigehiko Yamada, the Company Director of Kohaku Inc., managing IN KANAZAWA HOUSE, is one of the people who was attracted by the beauty and importance of Kanazawa Machiya. He renovated the building drastically, including Japanese rooms, inner garden, and kitchen, directing with a great attention to detail so that the space could be used for various purposes. ‘Only one year has passed since I moved to Kanazawa. There are local charms that are only noticeable to the people from outside. I would also like local people to use the facilities for different purposes’ says Yamada. The space can be hired for activities such as a yoga class or meetings.
Their location is in a residential area distant from main sightseeing spots. We can find it by going through a narrow path in castle town Kanazawa, which has avoided the fires of war. A Machiya residence, sitting hidden and quiet for a long time, is now starting to attract a breadth of attention.
〒920-0862 石川県金沢市芳斉1-4-28 1-4-28 Hosai, Kanazawa City, Ishikawa 920-0862 JAPAN
Website: https://www.in-kanazawa.com/
E-mail: info@in-kanazawa.com
- Instagram: @inkanazawahouse
- Facebook: @inkanazawahousehousai