暮らす宿 他郷阿部家Takyo Abeke

島根県、石見銀山の麓にある「暮らす宿 他郷阿部家」。築230年の武家屋敷を、家主である松場登美さんが10年暮らしながら再生した場所を宿としています。使われなくなった古いものを磨き、組み合わせて設られた空間。例えば、台所のテーブルは廃校になった小学校の階段の腰板を再利用、テーブルの脚は廃線になった電車のレール。穴があいた障子にはパッチワークのように和紙が貼ってあったり、所々にかわいらしいオブジェが飾られていて…私たちは写真を撮ることをやめられませんでした。だってどこを切り取っても美しい。遊び心が感じられる。


写真 ニック・ヴァンデルギーセン / 文 安田奈央



instagram @nvdg81 / @hitonoto_japan

Takyo Abeke is a Japanese inn located at the foot of the Iwami silver mine in Shimane Prefecture. Over a period of 10 years, owner Tomi Matsuba, has renovated the 230-year-old former samurai residence. By combining and assembling various old items, a new living space was created. For example, an old table from a closed elementary school has been given a new life. And the legs of the desk are made from old train rails. The holes that were in the old shoji have been covered up with an elaborate patchwork of Japanese washi paper, and beautiful old objects are located everywhere in the house… We couldn’t stop taking pictures. Wherever you go there’s beauty. And a certain playfulness can be felt.
For dinner, the owner, Ms. Matsuba, and the guests all dine together at a big table in the open kitchen. Everybody Introduces themselves and then we start the dinner. The father of a family from Kansai, seemed embarrassed to eat a meal with people he had only just met for the first time. But I thought that it was a very nice concept. It was a very nice experience to spend time and share a meal with people who we might never meet again. We often reminisce about our stay at Takyo Abeke. Unlike any other inn that we have stayed at.

Photos by Nik van der Giesen / Text by Nao Yasuta


Nik van der Giesen is a photographer and designer from the Netherlands.
Together with his partner Nao Yasuta, they run hitonoto, where they share their love for remarkable places, things and people.
Japanese culture and aesthetics continue to be an endless source of inspiration for his work.

instagram @nvdg81 / @hitonoto_japan

暮らす宿 他郷阿部家 Takyo Abeke

〒694-0305 島根県大田市大森町ハ159-1 Omoricho, Oda-city, Shimane, 694-0305, Japan


Website: https://kurasuyado.jp