• 真釦 The Last Dance




    • 2011年、右手の大怪我をきっかけに彫刻家から墨絵画家に転向。その独特のな画風は、観るもの無国籍的異次元世界へと誘なう。国内外での個展グループ展多数。2016年 石川県志賀町 真言宗松尾寺に「地獄絵」を納める。
      In 2011, he switched to ink-wash painting from carving due to his seriously injured right hand.
      His unique paintings invite people to the multinational world of a different spacial dimension.
      He had held his exhibition and participated in group exhibitions many times, both within and outside Japan.
      In 2016, he offered a "Jigoku-e", a painting representing hell, to the Matsuo-ji temple of the Shingon sect in Ishikawa.

  • 真釦 The Last Dance