住宅雑誌『日本の美邸 JAPAN QUALITY』6号 チルチンびと別冊

夕暮れ時。中庭からホール側を見る。福岡県設計=横内敏人建築設計事務所施工=安恒組写真=小川重雄     博多の家郊外の斜面地に建つ、RCと木の混構造の二世帯住宅。斜面に沿うよう、3層のフロアをセットバックさせて積み、見晴らしのいい2層目を主要階に。道路側に母親の住居を、中庭を介した山側に夫婦のLDKと共有の浴室をおさめた。House in Hakata Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan_________Architect : TOSHIHITO YOKOUCHI Architect & Associates / Builder : Yasutsunegumi / Photo : Shigeo Ogawa_________A multi-generation home made of a mixture of reinforced concrete and wood, which is standing on a slope in a suburban area. To follow the slope, the second floor was set back, so that the first floor with the best view becomes the main floor. Across an inner court, a living area for the mother is located at the road side, whereas the living area of a couple and a shared bathroom are located at the mountain side.55

元のページ  ../index.html#11
