住宅雑誌『日本の美邸 JAPAN QUALITY』5号 チルチンびと別冊

上/道路から門構えを見る。下左/ゆとりのある駐車場。 下右/敷地内の緑と風景がゆるやかに繋がる。 石畳と緑が目に心地よいアプローチ。House facing the mountainsGifu Prefecture, Japan_________Architect : Teruaki Nakamura / Sekisui House,Ltd. / Builder : Sekisui House,Ltd. / Photo : Katsuo Abe_________A house located high up on a hill brings harmony with the surrounding mountain ridges. The living room is structured with carefully selected materials. By taking in the landscape and natural light through a sequence of opening sections, the house is realised as a relaxed space under the eaves with an open-air feeling.51

元のページ  ../index.html#9
