住宅雑誌『日本の美邸 JAPAN QUALITY』5号 チルチンびと別冊

大阪府設計=出江 潤/浅野・出江建築事務所 施工=エムエス工務写真=笹倉洋平つむぎゆく家築80年の民家の再生とその塀の新築計画。主屋は、代々受け継いできた家族の歴史と古材を生かした計画に。塀には、庭のモミジの古木を眺めるハナレを併設。鉄骨造に杉板を鱗張りにし、彫刻的で変化に富んだ形状とした。主屋とともに改修した蔵。House handed down over generations Osaka Prefecture, Japan_________Architect : Jun Izue / ASANO-IZUE ARCHITECT OFFICE / Builder : MS Koumu / Photo : Yohei Sasakura_________A plan for renovation of an 80 year old Japanese style house, and for new development of its outside walls. Shapes and building materials familiar to successive generations of the family were employed for the design of the main building. To view an old Japanese maple tree in the garden, a detached space was built within the structure of the outside walls. Japanese cedar sheets are tiled like fish-scales over the steel frames, bringing a sculptural dynamic to the walls.124

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