住宅雑誌『日本の美邸 JAPAN QUALITY』5号 チルチンびと別冊

東京都設計=高野保光/遊空間設計室施工=内田産業写真=西川公朗縦露地の家都市に建つ建築家の自邸。9坪のフロアを縦に積み上げた小住宅でありながら、間仕切りや建具、多様な素材を巧みに組み合わせて奥行きを感じる空間をつくっている。Tateroji Tokyo, Japan_________Architect : Yasumitsu Takano Architect & Associates / Builder : Uchida Sangyou / Photo : Masao Nishikawa_________Architect’s own residence located in the city. The house has a modest size with a few floors, each of which has about 30 square metres. However, the clever structure combining partitions, doors and windows and various materials, achieves a space with a feeling of depth. 94

元のページ  ../index.html#20
